BulkStox BlendStox


Images by GPMoore.Esq
July, 2023


I am a self-taught photographer & embarking on the next phase of my career: becoming semi-professional. This Blog is an invocation of this endeavour.

I mainly capture wildlife & birds with the occasional foray into landscapes or candid portraits. Please take a look at the Galleries I have assembled over the journey. I will endeavour to keep them up to date with any exciting or different images captured.

May, 2022


BulkStox was developed to readily determine volumes of grain stored in vertical silos and covers the most commonly observed configurations for inloaded & outloaded grain. Once the commodity is selected, the model dynamically loads typical bulk-density & angles of repose which can be adjusted to suit & now with visual cues guiding the user through the measurement & calculation requirements.

Release Notes - May the Forth, 2022

  • Website upgraded to Bootstrap 5
    • Resizing of text, images, & videos to accommodate all media types
  • Input error checking
    • Vertical Silos
    • Segregated sheds
    • Bunkers
  • Documented proofs of concept
    • Vertical Silos
    • Segregated sheds
    • Bunkers

March, 2022beta


BulkStoxexcel is now available as a beta release for your evaluation. It is a compact easy-to-use MS Excel workbook without VB scripts ‐ so it will not pose a risk in those cases where firewalls are configured to reject files containing macros. BulkStoxexcel is configured to calculate shape volumes using the same JavaScript logic as the website algorithm to provide identical results - save for the rounding margins.

Release Notes - May the Forth, 2022

  • Upgrade to Bootstrap 5
    • Text, images, & videos resizing for all media sizes & types
  • Input error checking
    • Vertical Silos
    • Segregated sheds
    • Bunkers
  • Documented proofs of concept
    • Vertical Silos
    • Segregated sheds
    • Bunkers

July, 2021


We are pleased to announce the release of a tool which simulates the blending of grain of varying qualities to meet end-users' contract specifications. The aim of blending is to mix grain of 'lower' quality & with that of 'higher' quality & in doing so, maximise the value of the higher quality parcel ‐ making it go further. Get it right & it does not compromise the value of the higher quality parcel. However, it cannot be stressed enough this tool is a simulation which provides an ample overview of how this process can achieve the aim. In keeping with existing conventions the new tool is named BlendStox

Inventory measurement.
December, 2017


The quantity survey of commodities held in storage is, at its heart, a relatively simple process. All it requires is to gauge or measure the volume of the commodity from which, knowing its density, the mass of commodity can be calculated. Simple? Well not so much in practise so this blog is provided as a high level overview of the theory and practice of stock assessment.

Storage Audits.
June, 2017


The audit of storages to assess the suitability to house commoditised inventory is an essential service offer from SigmaCubed. Developed over a number of years, the objective and robust methodology applied will allow financiers & traders looking to spread risk into the burgeoning independent storage & handling market; this includes audits of storages holding grain on farm.

A tool for interrogating NVT Long Term Yields
February, 2016

About the App

The NVT Long Term Yield Reports have had their accuracy and relevance greatly improved through the introduction of a technologically improved analysis methodology and data reporting system. The new system produces results across different ’Ranking Groups’ which are groups of trials where the yield performances of varieties rank similarly.